Popular Danish names for girls and boys

Viser 1 - 20 af 131 resultater. Side: 1 af 7
# Navn Oprindelse Betydning Køn Gem

1 Abellona Danish Mannish. F
2 Agneta Danish Pure. F
3 Ailsa Danish Danish form of Elizabeth. F
4 Almeta Danish Pearl. F
5 Anders Danish Danish form of Andrew. M
6 Anker Danish Danish form of Andrew. M
7 Anndrea Danish Feminine form of Ander. F
8 Annelise Danish Graceful light. F
9 Annemette Danish Bitter pearl. F

10 Aren Danish Esgle. M
11 Arend Danish Danish form of Arnold. M
12 Argus Danish Vigilant. M
13 Arvada Danish Eagle. F
14 Astrid Danish Divine strength. F
15 Axel Danish Father of peace. M
16 Balduin Danish Bold. M
17 Bardo Danish Danish form of Bartholomew. M
18 Bartram Danish Glorious raven. The raven was consecrated to the Norse war god Odin and was the emblem of the Danish royal standard. M
19 Bent Danish Blessed. M
20 Berde Danish Glacier. M
Børnenavne - hvad skal barnet hedde?